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Thursday, March 21, 2019

RNC sets record with $14.6 million haul in February

The Republican National Committee raised $14.6 million dollars in February, the most ever for that month in a non-election year.

"This is our second highest February ever (outpaced only by 2004) and largest off-cycle year ever," RNC National Press Secretary Cassie Smedile told the Washington Examiner. "It's been three years since we launched the largest online fundraising apparatus ever, yet the three committees [including the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee] continue to see new enthusiasm and support for this president and his policies every day."

The RNC also touted the party's ability to attract small dollar and online donations, which Democratic hopefuls like Beto O'Rourke and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., have stressed as a sign of their viability.

"Nearly 60 percent of our donations came from small-dollar donors, $8.9 million," Smedile said.



  1. This is a very good sign, indeed.
    And if the Democrats keep leaning farther left, we might regain the House, too.

  2. And you can bet on that same result of voters putting the Boss back in office.

  3. Bernie and Beto raised almost that if not more in their first days of fundraising.

  4. 1151-What about the DNC? Individual fund raising matters very little, look at Beto vs Ted Cruz. Hillary vs Trump. Ossoff vs Handel. Each time, the Democrat individual politician significantly outraised their GOP counterpart. Each time, the Democrat lost.

  5. 11:51...if they did, they have pissed it away by now. You know how dems do with OPM.


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