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Monday, March 04, 2019

Report: Top Social Media Execs Helping Biden Appeal to Young Voters

Top executives from social media companies like Twitter and NowThis have been reportedly giving former Vice President Joe Biden advice on how to best use their platforms to appeal to young voters as Biden nears making a final decision about running for president.

CNBC reported on Wednesday that an executive from Twitter in addition to the president of NowThis News, Athan Stephanopoulos, have been briefing Biden on “strategies for appealing to young voters if he were to run for president again.”

“We work with elected officials, candidates and former politicians regularly when it comes to them getting the most out of Twitter,” a spokesman for Twitter told CNBC about the unnamed executive who has reportedly been advising Biden.

Stephanopoulos, of NowThis, confirmed to CNBC that he has given Biden advice on how to engage young voters on issues like immigration, criminal justice reform, and climate change.

“We are trying to reinforce that news outlets like NowThis are an important place to spend time and reach these audiences,” Stephanopoulos reportedly told the outlet. “Candidates will have to take a stand on these issues as it relates to talking to this whole new generation of voters.”



  1. Line them up and allow BIDEN feel his way through.

  2. Free stuff and safe spaces are probably part of that advice.


  3. They'll need to hire several magicians to transform Creepy Uncle Joe into
    hipster Joe. Maybe a shoe deal, a man-bun and dropping a rap CD will do the trick!

  4. Stupid old man needs to just go away, he screwed his chance, now get lost with Hillary.

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 5, 2019 at 5:13 PM

    So these Liberal "experts" are trying to make Biden to be"Appealing" to young voters, WOW! Especially the young girls, by Dirty Joe groping them? Nevermind the fact that after being in D.C. Swamp for decades, Biden has done Nothing for his constituents.


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