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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Rep. Nunes: Cohen Has No Classified Info, So Why the Closed-Door Hearings?

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is returning for a second closed-door session with the House intelligence committee this week, something committee member Devin Nunes called "ridiculous."

It's all about Democrats' efforts to construct a "narrative," Nunes told "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo.

"So, remember, he was in public with the Oversight Committee (last Wednesday). Then he came behind closed doors with us for no reason at all. This is not a man who has any classified information whatsoever.

"We interviewed him for some eight, nine hours. In fact, Republicans were pretty much done with interviewing after a couple of sessions. We didn't have any more questions to ask him. We're not sure why he's coming back, but he will be back this week, once again in a classified setting, for someone who has no classified information."

More here


  1. The closed door Cohen hearings are nothing but a show put on by the lying democrats to fool the ignoramuses who vote democrat. They want everyone to think Cohen has something. The fact is if he had anything it would have been brought up when they paraded him out in the public hearing. What is unfortunate is that anyone who votes democrat is a clueless brain dead fool so they can't figure out they are being played for the imbeciles they are.

  2. They are behind closed doors so they can get his story ad know what NOT to ask him publicly. The dumbocrats don't want any more of their narrative debunked in a public hearing.

  3. Amen 1:23 PM, Amen!


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