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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Prescription Drug Affordability Board advances in House

By Diane Rey
For Maryland Reporter

Maryland delegates are pushing back against high prescription drug costs, but their proposal stops short of setting drug price caps for all Marylanders.

Instead, the House of Delegates advanced a proposal Tuesday that will limit what the state will pay for the prescription drugs of state and local government workers and institutions.

HB768 would establish a Prescription Drug Affordability Board – the first in the nation — to establish upper limits on payment for high-cost medication with the aim of reducing costs.

Though originally intended to cover all Marylanders, the bill was scaled back and heavily amended in the Health and Government Operations Committee, gaining the committee’s approval Friday by a vote of 19-3.



  1. And since I am not covered under this, why would I care about it?

  2. Lots of talk, but little action in bringing U.S. meds to world pricing standards.

  3. 9:25 you are the part of the problem. Selfish.

  4. State Employee retirees are in big trouble thanks to our shifty Govs and politicians

  5. Interesting to see who got donations from drug companies

  6. Ever wonder if perhaps we are just over medicated ? The News hour on TV is nothing but commercials for meds and the prime time show slots nothing but fast food and crap that you need the meds for. I never remember seeing all these prescription bottles all over in my grand parents home. Even well retired they were thin and active daily and they just got old a died. How the hell much older than 90 do you want to be ?
    Chronic this and that and the other. Ever consider eating right and getting up and moving a little. We have become a nation of pill popping victims that want everyone held accountable for everything until it comes down to their own behavior and life choices.

  7. And there's MD for you. Looking out for government employees (them)and not Maryland citizens. All for one, and none for all. Never expect more from a Democrat, or their party.


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