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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Polls: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Less Popular Than Trump, Hillary

Celebrity freshman congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) is not as popular as her many social media admirers would like to believe. In fact, recent polling suggests that AOC is pretty widely despised, even in her home state, and even within her party.

A March 15 Gallup poll, for example, found that just 31 percent of Americans view Ocasio-Cortez favorably, compared to 41 percent who view her unfavorably. It appears that as more people have gotten to know the congresswoman, the less they like her. The last time Gallup surveyed AOC's favorable rating was back in September 2018, prior to her election to Congress, when 50 percent of respondents had no opinion or had never heard of her. That number has shrunk to just 29 percent over the past several months as the congresswoman has aggressively made a name for herself on Capitol Hill.

Gallup's finding are in line with those of a Fox News poll of registered voters conducted in February, which found that Ocasio-Cortez had a favorable rating of just 26 percent, and an unfavorable rating of 39 percent (-13). In that poll, 34 percent of respondents didn't offer an opinion or said they'd never heard of AOC. Respondents had a slightly better view of President Donald Trump, who had a favorable rating of 43 percent, and an unfavorable rating of 54 percent (-11). Ocasio-Cortez did, however, perform better than Socialism, which had a favorable rating of just 25 percent, and an unfavorable rating of 59 percent (-34).



  1. Joe you need to pull up what the Delaware state house just passed SMFH.

  2. As a member of the very demographic people like this POS are trying to eliminate I'm praying for the opportunity to inflict"due process" on assholes like this

  3. Yeah but her antics sure are entertaining.

  4. This just in, Fox News viewers don't like democrats!

  5. Conservatives usually don't like those who aren't owned by energy companies or foreign leaders.

  6. It just goes to show that "celebrity" doesn't mean anything more than being in the public eye.

  7. She was chosen to run out of thousands of candidates. Bought and paid for by radicals who filled her with their propaganda. They chose her for her pretty face and she is a fake. I predict a major melt down for her. The real thing cannot be destroyed, only fakes and phonies.

  8. all that matters is how her voting district views her. as long as they like her she will continue to be re-elected

  9. If I had the choice between genital warts and AOC, I would choose the warts because there's a cure.

  10. The only poll that matters is what the residents of her district think of her. All other people's feelings about her are irrelevant since they can't vote for her.

    1. And i bet they love da gimmedats

  11. She will be OUT soon !!! Frigg'in Idiot !!!!

  12. Your right she's made a name for herself if her mouth is moving she's lying. An old rubber ducky in the tub as a child had more substance.


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