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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Police Union Rep Says Prosecutor Threw Cops 'Under the Bus' on Smollett Case, Following Obama's Example

On Tuesday, the Cook County State's Attorney's office announced it had dropped the 16 counts against Empire star Jussie Smollett. State's Attorney Kim Foxx recused herself from the case, but the prosecutor who dropped the case reports to her. A Chicago police union rep told PJ Media that Foxx was behind the decision to drop the charges, and this represents merely one more example of her throwing the Chicago police "under the bus," following the lead of former president Barack Obama.

"Once again, she's throwing the Chicago Police Department completely under the bus, which she's been doing for the last two years in office," Martin Preib, second vice president at the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), told PJ Media on Tuesday. He argued that Foxx had never truly recused herself from the case, since her "underlings" remained involved.

"What's the difference between her recusing herself and her underlings having the case? What really has been recused here? Nothing," Prieb declared.



  1. Sounds like it is time for the Chicago PD to go on court strike.

  2. Another piece of crap. Thats just there to let the low life piece's of crap off the hook. I think she should be charged with obstruction removed from her job. And the charges refiled by the police. And of needed. Have the case heared in another district. Look at all the money and manpower wasted on this case. And its clear that Obamas had there hands in this.

  3. They got some 'splaining to do.

  4. Trying not to be a conspiracy theorist but could this all have been a set up to discredit Trump? Why Jussie Smollett? Because he is black and gay, the perfect dupe to be attacked and deemed a hate crime against whites and Trump and further cause a divide. The startling thing is how outraged Emanuel was during the press conference and the angst displayed by black police officials. Definitely some perjury at least.

  5. Evil prevailed on both sides yesterday.

  6. The feds have to get involved with this to give it any justice, but then it'll give the Left more ammo to whine about the President.

  7. This smells very very highly of Obama intrusion, very highly!!

  8. Sounds a lot like Bill Clinton and Attorney General Lynch meeting on a plane sitting on the tarmac, and then her FBI suddenly deciding not to forward Hillary's investigation for prosecution. Oh yeah, that's right, they were talking about the kids and grandkids (privately and in great secrecy). I forgot.

    Funny how this case leads back to the Obamas. They weaponized the justice department while in office, and have control over the justice department in Chicago now. Trump needs to sic HIS justice department on the Obamas, and let the cards fall where they may.


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