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Monday, March 25, 2019

Police Body Cameras Aren't Having the Effects Many Expected

For years, many people hailed body-worn cameras as a potential key to improving police transparency and strengthening often-fractured relationships with the communities they serve. But so far, academic research suggests the technology largely hasn't lived up to those expectations.

That’s the conclusion of a new report from the Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy at George Mason University.

Researchers reviewed 70 empirical studies on body cameras' effects, ranging from officer and citizen behavior to influences on law enforcement agencies as a whole. While much of the research remains mixed, it counters some promised benefits of body cameras at a time when departments are increasingly adopting the technology.



  1. the biggest benefit of body cams is that they show that criminals lie and the people and communities lie to support the criminals. obviously certain communities and the criminals who live in those communities aren`t happy with the body cams.

  2. Proof of what the officer sees is useful.

  3. They don't work if they aren't turned on.

  4. They also catch the cops lying more often then not. Hey it's a two way street do the right thing and the camera is your best friend.

  5. This because the low life thugs who were witnesses to incidents like the Freddie Gray in Baltimore and the Michael Brown in Ferguson can't lie anymore. These so called witnesses came out of the woodwork to lie and say things like Gray was beaten up and Brown was not only running away when he was shot but had his hands up. With the cameras it proves how they lie all the time. Like liar smollett. That lying POS ghetto garbage asked the police to turn off the cameras when being interviewed. The liar didn't want his lies recorded

  6. You are right on it 11:27 and 5:12 is way off base. Sure there are some humans that flaw, but the biggest percent are great.

  7. don't be ridiculous 5:12 more often then not the cops don't lie. It's not the cops who don't want them but the ghetto dwellers who aren't taught honesty nor any morals from the second they are born. They know how to make them babies but when it comes to being real parents they are lazy losers who can't be bothered. Animals are more civilized. And lazy losers isn't my words but the words of Hillary Clinton that came out in the leaked emails. And the low information ignoramuses still voted for her overwhelmingly.

  8. The black community is still lying about the ferguson case. There motto was hands up dont' shoot. proof was brown didn't have his hands up but due to the majority of the black populations complete dishonesty they still repeated the lie. Just like black lives matter. they are so full of it and lying again. they do not value life just like they do not value honesty. the truth is black lives only matter to them if they can make it into a racial issue. but if you say this they holler racismm. they hate being told the truth. it is one of there many difficulties and why they have such a hard time pulling themselves out of the cess pools of their own creations of crime and poverty.


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