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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Pentagon finds $12.8 billion for Trump's border wall

The Defense Department has identified $12.8 billion in possible funding that it could use to fulfill President Trump's call for a border wall.

Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., released the 20-page spreadsheet on Twitter Monday night.

Trump last month declared a national emergency at the border, and said he wants to use $3.6 billion for border wall projects. The Pentagon's list said it has found possible funding sources that are "in excess of the amount needed."

But it's not clear which projects the Defense Department will draw from. Some states that have been allocated big chunks of money that haven't been spent could see a hit.



  1. How the F*** do you just find 12.8 billion?? I still say Obama should have been hung for the 150 billion he GAVE Iran

  2. As if we need that to be a reason to hang him !

  3. Still burns me up ( pardon the pun) that Salisbury got $1 million for a fire boat.

  4. 924-Actually, it's pretty easy. A lot of money isn't spent until the end of the fiscal year by departments. And, it's spent so the following year they can request more money. Because if the people in Congress see the money wasn't spent, you won't get as much in the budget the next year. Since we're months out from the end of the fiscal year, which ends at the end of September 2019, there's oodles of cash available.

    Oh, totally agree with the BS Barry pulled. And it only became news because a couple soldiers filmed the pallets of cash on the cargo planes going in under the cover of darkness. Thankfully, the military is chock full of Patriots.

  5. After all, isn't the wall supposed to be our first line of National Defense??
    There really are no 'wars' going on right now, so why not take this year's budgeted projects and get the wall done. Let the Army Core of Engineers oversee it and put it all under the Defense Dept.

  6. Sounds fine to me. I'll call The Donald and tell him he has our approval to roll with it. I've been sick of the turds saying Mexico was suppose to pay for it. The way I look at it, they will with the monies we won't give them in freebies (entitlements). Illegals are a drain on our schools (yes we pay for them not illegals). They are holding others back because of a language barrier. Walk in MVA anytime and take a look. Looks like you are in another country. P.S., I am not against others as long as they do it the legal route as it has been done all our lives.

  7. Perhaps if some of the states lose dollars intended for their economy. They will get off their asses and vote the politicians responsible out of office for not doing their job.

  8. Good , add in some Claymores !!!! for good measure

  9. Mine field will Solve the problem ...with Warning Signs !!!!

    Cheaper than Fence / Walls !!!! Proven to work well !!!

  10. I believe our country should have a wall but how does defense find 12.5 million just laying around? American taxpayers will foot 100%!


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