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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Ocean City Not Interested In Bikeshare Operations

OCEAN CITY – Efforts to prohibit, or at least regulate, dockless bike and scooter rentals are moving forward in Ocean City as a resort committee this week agreed to seek legal advice and support from county officials.

On Monday, the Ocean City Police Commission agreed to contact the town’s city solicitor, as well as other resort and county officials, in an attempt to prohibit, or at least regulate, dockless bike and scooter operations in town.

As the name suggests, dockless bikes and scooters do not require a bike rack or docking station and can be rented and unlocked using a smartphone app.

The growing popularity of such systems was first discussed at a commission meeting last year, but officials at the time made no motion to act on the matter.



  1. Good to see OC officials using good sense unlike that incredibly goofy Day the mayor of Salisbury who is so backwards and unsophisticated he falls for any and all snake oils con artists are selling.

  2. March 12, 2019 at 9:30 AM
    Thank you , my thoughts exactly

  3. The only reason OC officials resist a new business is because the Town doesn't get a cut of the revenue. Remember that this is the same bunch of managers who are paying for a parking consultant when have this HUGE underutilized Park 'n Ride lot sitting just West of the drawbridge. The Town doesn't market it and under serves it with shuttle service. Further, there's a need to expand their shuttle service to the new businesses and hotels in West Ocean city.

    1. Why provide bus service where you collect no taxes. Why provide bus service to businesses that are in direct competition with businesses in the municipality. Until the tax differential is leveled forget it.


  4. But the side lane of Rt. 50 is crowded with families pedaling toward their vacations in OC. That's why Jake put the bike lane paint down all over. And don't forget hundreds of thousands pedaling to get Folked. They're going to want to see the ocean, too.


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