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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez’s Mom Left New York Because of High Taxes

Blanca Ocasio-Cortez, the mother of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), said in a new interview that she moved from New York to Florida to pay less in taxes.

Blanca told the Daily Mail about the family's financial difficulties after her husband, Sergio, passed away, and how she faced foreclosure twice.

"It was scary," Blanca said. "I had to take medicine I was so scared. I had to stop paying for the mortgage for almost a year. I was expecting someone knocking on the door to kick me out at any time. There were even real estate people coming around to take photos of the house for when it was going to be auctioned. The worst is that I only had $50,000 left to pay on the loan."

Blanca eventually made a deal with the bank to avoid eviction.

"I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here," Blanca added.



  1. What if I told you that people do not have to be exactly like their parents? I'm not saying I like ACO either but why should this be any argument against her?

    1. Example of how high taxes almost ruined her life. Cortez wants to raise taxes but then hides a million dollars to avoid taxes... Cortez answered a few questions after landing in a airport. 4.5 hour drive 6 hour train ride but flew for convenience.

  2. She made one big mistake, she should have taken her daughter with her !!!

  3. How can she represent New York and live in Florida.

    1. Her mom DO U READ.

    2. Good question. I see New York tags in Florida all the time. It means NY tags - you live in NY. FL tags you live in FL. If you don't have FL tags you are called a "snow bird".

  4. She really moved to Florida to get away from aoc

  5. you have to wonder at the price of the house if she was paying 10K a year in taxes. I hate those fake tears from the rich

  6. misssed the point 2:41 my mom lived on long island in suffolk county 6k in taxes and that was bac in 95 when she passed and we are not rich..taxes in NY are way to high..not just NYC


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