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Sunday, March 03, 2019

NYC Fast-Food Workers Stunned Some Are Being Fired after $15 Minimum Wage Hike

Serving as ground zero for the $15 minimum wage battle, New York City saw its fast-food workers also serve as the subjects in an experiment that completely ignored the laws of economics.

When supporters of minimum wage increases argued that e
ntry-level workers were not getting paid enough to support their families, experts warned that forcing employers to increase the wages for unskilled workers would produce unintended consequences. Now that critics of the law were proven right and workers are getting fired, proponents are doubling down.

Critics hoped that minimum wage supporters would finally understand that employers should be able to negotiate wages with workers freely, but those suffering the consequences seem blind to reality.

Will they ever realize that their push for a minimum wage hike is why they are out of a job?



  1. Stunned? They were told this would happen.

  2. It boils down for the business as an ROI problem. If their return on investment is poor they will mitigate the issue (remove the employee in this case). The only possible issues from there would be an increase in their UI (unemployment insurance) claims. If the business properly documents poor behaviour (late, stealing, etc) they can mitigate that potential blow back as well.

  3. Entry level minimum wage jobs are not intended to support a family--they are intended to give people work experience so that they can get a better job...My first job, I was paid $3.35 an hour. I never intended to stay at that job and support a family-that job was to get experience, be able to move to a higher paying job. To pay a person $15 an hour when they can't even get your order correct is ridiculous. It is an insult to an EMT that has to possibly save a life--take these jobs for what they are-a training ground for entry level positions.

  4. Every restaurant in town will soon have a NO TIPPING policy and have instead a 15%-20% service charge tacked onto every order. This min wage hike will include tipped employees. Its simply the way the government gets their cut of every penny of every employees money.

    BUT what the government is really counting on are restaurants all going to automated systems, firing 50% of their staff then further crippling the employer with huge unemployment rate increases. Plus they get to throw the unemployment rate skyrocketing upward and blame Trump.

    1. Waiters, waitresses, and bartenders are not included in minimum wage laws

    2. There is legislation in the Maryland House of Representatives to include all servers the $15 minimum wage bill

  5. Really? Goes to show how dumbed down these people are. Anyone with one working brain cell knew this would happen. They only have themselves to blame because they mostly likely cheered this of just another failure in the long list of democrat failures.
    The only way wages can rise and keep people employed is when employers have to complete for employees by offering higher wages and benefits.
    So you ignoramus democrat peon voters keep cheering the democrats when they tout open borders and unlimited immigration.

  6. 7:11 Your thinking is back 30 yrs ago. Today these jobs have replaced manufacturing jobs which did pay better. I am not for raising minimum wage because it does not work. This is the result all the time. Wages have to rise the organic way and that is employers having to compete for employees and not employees having to compete for jobs and taking lower wages. The best way to do this is to start by limiting immigration. Democrats won't go for this because they want people to be dependent on the government and any one of them who denies this is just getting to that lying all democrats do all the time.

  7. This is FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!! I love hearing how stupid people are and that they think they know everything about nothing... Again I get to tell you all , I told you so, and I get to tell you all still how stupid you all still are!!!! They are right, you can't fix stupid!!!!! This is capitalism you morons, you can't have a company that takes in less money than it gives out... It is like taxes and mandated fees in form of taxes, if you have to pay them or go to jail and other things happen, they are going to pay that before they pay you... I am not saying people don't need this kind of wage, they do!!!!! But some don't, not the stupid 16 year old McD's worker who doesn't give a damn about life or even know how to make a damn sandwich correctly...

    Now learn from this!!!! This is also how the ECONOMY WORKS!!!! When you and I have money, we spend it, that helps the economy, when money is taken from us in form of taxes and fees and anything else, they get paid first and needless bullshit will be bought last... This does not help the economy, do you morons understand now???? That lower taxes gives me more money, so I can spend, higher taxes takes money from me and I have less to spend, understand that morons????

    1. 8:38- They can't hear you. Also, who thinks of themselves as knowing everything about nothing? Also, once again, who ya talking to?

    2. 838- You should do something besides just bitch about it. You clearly have it more together than the rest of us.

    3. AOC thinks she knows everything and is da boss, so there.

  8. Article left out the number one reason why labor unions push for increasing of the minimum wage. It is because the wages in the collective bargaining contracts are tied to the minimum wage. Government increases the minimum wage union labor gets a wage increase without negotiating for it.


    1. Sorry sbj, but you have that backwards. If that was the case there would be no need for Unions. Think about that .... if your narrow mind will allow it.

    2. You are so far from being accurate on that comment SBJ. Do some research on the American Labor Movement before making such an ignorant comment about something you obliviously know nothing about.

  9. 7:39 blame Trump? Of course they will blame Trump he's responsible any thing they don't like.

  10. Coming soon to Maryland!!

  11. It's a win win for the fired employees. They get unemployment insurance for not working for 6 months, probably qualify for free education, free cell phones
    Feee internet, free school lunches year round for your kiddos, section 8 housing, food stamps, and free christmas trees and presents, and free Thanksgiving dinners and healthcare. Who wants to work when you can get all that free stuff?0


  12. Every minimum wage increase was motivated by the same bleating. It was $1.65 when I graduated HS.

    Every increase means some combination of higher prices to customers and fewer workers or fewer hours for those retained. Customers generally have choices, and one is to spend less frequently. Fewer customer dollars mean even fewer scheduled hours; starts a downward cycle.

  13. The problem is hidden by the government on behalf of the Federal Reserve Bank.
    The currency is the problem.

    The US Dollar has been inflated to the moon, but nobody wants to allow workers to survive the new economy. Prices are rising faster than wages and workers are suffering. Their paychecks provide a very meager existence compared to US historical standards.

    It will take some time for Americans to realize their currency is worthless.
    Meanwhile, the standard of living will continue to erode as the US Dollar is inflated into oblivion.


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