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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

New amendment may reinstate driver's licenses for more than half a million Virginians, governor says

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced an amendment to the state’s budget on Monday eliminating the suspension of driver’s licenses for those who cannot pay court fines and costs. The amendment would restore driving privileges for more than 627,000 Virginians with suspended licenses.

"The practice of suspending a person’s driver’s license for nonpayment of court fines and costs is inequitable. It's past time we end it," Northam said. "A driver’s license is critical to daily life, including a person’s ability to maintain a job. Eliminating a process that envelops hundreds of thousands of Virginians in a counterproductive cycle is not only fair, it’s also the right thing to do."

Northam proposed the bill in the House and Senate during the 2019 legislative session addressing the issue of suspending licenses. Senator Adam Ebbin and Delegate Alfonso Lopez backed him.



  1. I guess I need to move to Virginia. I don’t want to pay fines either. For that matter, I don’t want to pay for a drivers license, or insurance either so this should also be included.

  2. Northam is correct when stating "A driver’s license is critical to daily life, including a person’s ability to maintain a job." Many things in life should be "critical" but that shouldn't make them "automatic". Does this also include folks that receive multiple DUI's???? If the democrats cut off the "free ride of finances" it would really make a job "critical to daily life" and you would have more people obeying the current laws. Another example of a Democrat trying to apologize for others mistakes instead of holding people accountable for their actions.

  3. Knowing that over 600,000 Virginians are driving around with suspended drivers licenses makes me very scared about driving in Virginia.

    1. You got it all wrong 4:25, driving without a license makes one a very good driver

  4. So, no penalty for poor people, and if you're rich like Smollett there's no penalty for you either.

    Guess what group gets no exception to the rules? Hint, look in the mirror.

  5. The law only applies to Black drivers, it is part of the BLM movement, Black Licenses Matter.


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