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Saturday, March 09, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Just Showed She's A Helluva Weak Speaker Over Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism Fiasco

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has Democrats running for the Pepto-Bismol again. She once again peddled an anti-Semitic talking point, this time heaving insinuating that those who support Israel have dual loyalty (via Washington Examiner):

This isn’t the first time. Her tweet about AIPAC contributions and related donations are “all about the Benjamins,” a not so subtle swipe about Jewish money and political control. In 2012, she said that Israel was hypnotizing the world as well. That post led to a sit-down with local Minnesota Jewish leaders last year, but given her serial refusal to recognize that her views are bigoted, they’re reportedly not going to treat her with “kid gloves” anymore. The fallout from the dual loyalty remarks has embroiled the House Democratic leadership in another nasty bout of infighting. The pressure to put forward a resolution was met with some intense criticism from fellow Democrats, which erupted into an all-out brawl behind closed doors yesterday. Some Democrats are rightfully saying that they should vote on the resolution condemning anti-Semitism. Others found it redundant and wondered why Omar was being held to a different standard. This is the Democratic Party; everything is on a graduated scale. And obviously, anti-Semitism isn’t a serious problem compared to Trump being in the White House. The Left has long been infested with those who hate Israel and Jewish people, so this isn’t shocking.



  1. No, she shows that she is just as Bad !!! & don't care !!!!

  2. The truth of the democratic party today is revealed every time those like Pelosi open their mouths. Maybe the Jewish community will stop supporting them now.

  3. i don't see for the life of me as to how anybody can still support and vote Democrat. You sheep need to wake up and see that they don't care about you. They just use you to keep themselves in power. Look through history and see how Democrats have suppressed the Blacks in this country. If they are permitted to discriminate against Jews, Don't you think they will still discriminate against you? They are closeted but look how many are being unmasked? Md, Virginia and Mn. How many more will get bold and empowered and become unmakes as well. Don't you think its time to get off that Democratic racist plantation? Just walk away!

  4. She needs to be waterboarded at GITMO.


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