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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Mischievous boxer dog drags garden hose into home, sprays water everywhere


  1. Why was the hose inside the house? Why was the water turned on? Not very funny. Don't see the humor.

  2. Notice the other dog runs out knowing this is going to be trouble.

  3. Good thing the owners had a camera. They would have come home and wondered why their family room was flooded. At the end he drags the hose back outside. Hiding the evidence. haha! He even managed to poke a hole in the hose while it was in the family room. I can't imagine how much water was on the floor, rug and sofa. I get they won't leave the hose hooked up anymore.

  4. That dog could easily be taught to wash the car.

  5. This sort of explains our Little Dogs Only policy when we rent out our condo.


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