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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Maryland Senate passes legislation to award millions of dollars in tax credits for child care

Maryland’s state Senate unanimously passed legislation to greatly expand the number of residents who can receive tax credits to help pay for child care.

The Senate voted 47-0 in favor of Montgomery County Sen. Nancy King’s legislation that would provide millions of dollars more in tax credits for child and dependent care costs. A financial analysis found that the bill approved Monday night would cost $17.5 million in fiscal year 2020 and $20 million in fiscal year 2024.

In tax year 2017, about 22,700 taxpayers who make less than $50,000 annually claimed about $3.4 million in tax credits for child care costs under existing law.



  1. In other words it another government assistance for the blacks. Since they are the only ones still having 8 babies they can't feed, cloth, or raise.

  2. Might just be some of Pelosi’s Newcomers.

  3. You are correct 11:37. It is the mind set of some, that we taxpayers owe this (reparations) to those that don't work and throw one baby after another. I never owned a slave nor did my family. We were too poor and still are. We would be better off to stop working and drink out of the government trough before it goes dry.

    1. You right. The only problem is your white. You will have to jump through hoops to get the minimum. I've seen it happen. BLACK workers help blacks. If your white. The black worker says you not able to collect. So you walk out waiting for a ride when the black that just got approved jumps in their Mercedes. FACT.

  4. We pay for idiots to breed and out number us one day

    1. Already happening in Englishstan.

  5. This must include illegals to, since it was not explicit on who was included. These types of bills always come from Montgomery and the surrounding Counties Which praises Mike Miller for irrationally free spending Maryland Tax dollars to stay in power. Home of the illegals and the Washington Democrat Money

  6. When do I get my tax credit for being a senior citizen so I can keep my home and pay for my medications instead of being driven into the poor house or homeless because these idiots raise my taxes to pay for these lazy undeserving Democrats / illegals?

  7. 2:40
    The state can't make money by collecting wage taxes from you anymore so they don't care. I have paid taxes in this county for 30 years yet my children only attended the schools here for less than 3 years. I want a tax credit too! lol

  8. No one gave my husband and I a break for child care because we both had jobs. We needed two incomes to support basic living expenses. American has gone soft. Too many handouts.

  9. First we pay for their medical care while they are pregnant, then we pay for all the medical expenses for the delivery of the baby, then we pay for all the baby's needs, then we raise the child on food stamps, medicaid, section 8 housing, and you name it. Then we pay for child care if baby mamma decides to work for awhile, then baby mamma gets a nice big tax refund for being head of household and having illegitimate children. Now they start school when they are about 3 years old so now baby mamma has a free baby sitter and free meals and snacks at school. This gives baby mamma more free time now to make more babies......and then more free goodies. This cycle has to stop. We, who do not have young children cannot afford to keep raising everyone else;s babies.


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