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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Maryland General Assembly votes to raise minimum wage to $15

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —The Maryland General Assembly voted to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour starting in 2025.

The bill passed in the House of Delegates with a 93-41 vote and in the Senate with a 32-13 vote. The legislation now goes to Gov. Larry Hogan's desk. The House and Senate passed their versions of the legislation by veto-proof majorities.

Hogan has not said whether he would veto the bill. He has made it clear, however that he doesn't like it.

Under the compromise, companies with fewer than 15 employees will have until July 2026 to fully pay the new wage.



  1. Get rid of them all!

  2. He doesn't like it , then votes for it. Very predictable , what a joke.

  3. Democrats need to represent their people not the DC / Baltimore corridor and their pocket. Hogan the wimp will not veto it. Hogan the chameleon Democrat.

  4. Small business owners will shut down and go work for Starbucks with benefits.
    I pay my suppliers, the rent, the insurance and my employees first. I take home little more than they do. We all have jobs though. Sure I'd like to make more and give them more. They are a good crew and I feel responsible for their well being and families too but if the numbers don't add up they just don't add up. I'd love to give them and myself 30 dollars an hour. It just does not work that way. I could well retire but I like working. People seem to think small business owners are getting rich off their labors when actually it's become an act of charity. There is no way I could pay myself or recoup the hours that go into researching and crunching expenses the toll it takes being away from loved ones etc. If you break even and have your health and sanity your a success.
    We have forgotten the small business ethic in this inflated consumerist super box store mega chain strip mall mentality. I feel bad. When I have had enough and shut down these employees could have 8 years in at one of those places possible making more and getting benefits but possibly too laid off and little better off. Small business people do care and consider these things. It's not a hobby. You want to do it and do it right for all but it's getting harder and harder.

  5. If 15 dollars is a living wage than why are people on Social Security not getting that much? Instead they want illegals to be able to collect from it. They didn't put in they shouldn't get out.

  6. I will be using more self check out's... I am the working poor....

  7. People need to start paying themselves for using self checkout...thats right im saying it...either these big store discount me for using self checkout or maybe i forget to scan a few items.

  8. 12:07 Because the assumption is that the person worked all their life and saved something, bought a house, invested, and can live off of supplemental income.


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