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Monday, March 25, 2019

Like Father Like Son. Don Jr goes on Twitter Rampage


  1. Don Jr. should really know when to keep his pie hole shut riding on such coat tails. If they were not so egocentric and self absorbed with their media presence the nation might be moving forward. The Mueller thing is over. OK. Little else has really happened.

    1. Yea ok theyve been lying about these people and our president treated way diff from the rest yea he should be airing there bs out i know i would if they were wrong just saying

  2. 4:56 What’s the matter? Not having a good week? I for one am having a FANTASTIC week. And it just keeps getting better. Yea that me gloating😁 It may not be pretty but it is so well deserved. You sound salty...need a snickers?

  3. lay down with dogs and you wake up with fleas,dont get mad get even!

  4. They have a right to gloat they've been hearing nothing but crap since the 2016 election just a bunch of Democratic haters. I hope if we ever have another Democratic President he or she gets the same treatment, chew on that for awhile.


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