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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Large Migrant Groups Cross Border Barrier into Arizona

Border Patrol agents in Arizona continue to be overwhelmed by large migrant groups who exploit the outdated fencing technology to gain entry into the U.S. from Mexico.

Ajo Station agents patrolling west of the Lukeville Port of Entry on Saturday encountered a large group of migrants illegally crossing an outdated vehicle barrier. The migrants came across in smaller groups until they eventually surpassed 100, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials tweeted.

The photo shows a large group of mostly Central American migrants with very young children who are brought to the area by cartel-connected human smugglers.

One day earlier, Ajo Station agents came upon another group of 86 in the same area west of the Lukeville Port of Entry where the migrants could have legally crossed the border to request asylum. Instead, human smugglers took them to this remote location to cross the border illegally.

Border Patrol officials say that the Mexican drug cartels utilize these large groups of migrants to distract and tie up Border Patrol agents who are obligated by law to prioritize the processing of migrant families and unaccompanied minors, Breitbart News reported.



  1. It is time to start killing them! This is an invasion!

  2. Shoot to kill. End of problem.


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