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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Kentucky governor signs bill outlawing sex between people and animals

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – It's official: Bestiality will become illegal in Kentucky.

Gov. Matt Bevin signed a bill Tuesday that outlaws sex between humans and animals in the Bluegrass State.

Senate Bill 67 prohibits sexual contact between a person and an animal, defining sexual contact as "any act committed between a person and an animal for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification, abuse or financial gain."

Kentucky had been one of the final few states to not have a law banning bestiality, alongside Wyoming, New Mexico, West Virginia, Hawaii and Washington, D.C.



  1. Sex between humans and animals now illegal in Kentucky??? Now what are the democrats going to do after watching Maddow?

  2. 9:27
    There are still 7 states they can move to. Oh yeah and it's still legal in DC!

  3. No doubt it's legal in DC, there's a bunch of half jackasses in that town.

  4. Will that help toward reelection?

  5. “Whoever lies with an animal shall surely be put to death."
    Exodus 22:19

  6. 11:15. Naaaaaaaahhhhh. Naaaaaaahhhh.

  7. So now Bill will have to leave Hildbeast home when he visits Kentucky!


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