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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

‘Jexodus’ May Pose Problems for Democrats

President Donald Trump’s claim that “the Democrats hate Jewish people” is giving a boost to what appears to be an embryonic movement encouraging Jews, traditionally a key Democrat voting bloc, to abandon the Democratic Party.

Axios reported the president made the comments to Republican donors March 8, based on statements by attendees. Trump also reportedly said he couldn’t grasp how any Jew could vote for a Democrat these days, given the party’s track record.

The news report didn’t mention if he referenced numerous comments by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), a Muslim, that were widely perceived as anti-Semitic. Congressional Democrats refused to condemn Omar by name and instead, on March 7, the House approved a watered-down resolution denouncing “anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of bigotry.”



  1. No Christian or Jew should support such a hate filled party. Their hate and their association with Farakhan and other supporters of terror is well documented.

  2. If you want to dislike a certain tribe, just take a gander at the pair shown above. That's what I'm talking about. Flush that pair out of our system and keep the same out in the future. Save what little we have salvaged in congress. MAGA

  3. Muslims hate Jews and Christians. Their religion is incompatible with our laws. They are only here to destroy the American way of life. A free republic allowing all to coexist peaceably. Look at our society today as the progressive Democrats of today reveal what they truly believe. Their way or no way. They will lose in the end.

  4. “the Democrats hate Jewish people” <----- How is that even possible? Most Jewish folks in America ARE Democrat.

    That may be one of the jaw droppingly dumbest things I have ever read.


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