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Thursday, March 07, 2019

'If This Is Not a Crisis, What the Hell Would Be?'

Ahead of a hearing on the crisis at the southern border and a Senate vote on President Trump's national emergency declaration, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham said the U.S. is being "flooded" with illegal immigrants attempting to cross the border.

In an interview on "The Story" Tuesday, Graham (R-S.C.) pointed to disturbing new numbers from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

According to officials, more than 76,000 people tried to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in February, a "remarkable" leap and the highest number of any February in the past 12 years.

Of those, 7,249 were unaccompanied children, and 40,385 were family units -- totaling 60 percent of apprehensions.

"I was blown away," Graham said, noting that the number of families apprehended at the border is up 335 percent over the past year, while the number of unaccompanied minors in custody is up 54 percent.

He added that the average cost of housing an unaccompanied minor is $375 a day, which puts the U.S. on pace to spend $1.6 billion in 2019.

"If this is not a crisis, what the hell would be?" Graham said. "We're being flooded. The numbers are just through the roof."



  1. They are trying to get in before the wall is built.

  2. And just how did those families support themselves if there are no jobs, no money, no opportunities, etc, as THEY say? They all look very well fed to me. And wearing good clothes also. It's all lies and they know it and so does the government. Plus where does the thousands of dollars come from to pay the coyotes to take them to the border, if they have no jobs or money? Some say they pay upwards of 8,000 dollars to go to the border. Some 4,000, some 5,000, some 6,000 and so on. WHERE does that money come from? They could live a long time on that much money over there. Why would they pay out that much hard earned money for something that is not even guaranteed? If they can save that much, they do not need to come here.I don't even have that much in my account.


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