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Sunday, March 10, 2019

GAO Files Suit for Document Detailing Maryland AG Brian Frosh’s Role In National Scandal


(Washington, DC) —
Today the public interest law firm Government Accountability & Oversight, P.C. (GAO) filed a Public Information Act (PIA) lawsuit against Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh. Frosh is unlawfully hiding from the public what his Office (OAG) promised to a group funded by billionaire climate activist Michael Bloomberg, if that group would provide OAG with outside resources. Specifically, GAO seeks a single document, OAG’s “application for the purpose of hiring special assistant attorneys general (SAAGs)”, submitted to a “State Impact Center” created by Bloomberg for that specific purpose and whose initial recruiting email made clear the program would support AGs to pursue a political agenda — “advancing progressive clean energy, climate change, and environmental legal positions”.

As GAO’s complaint details, Frosh applied for a SAAG, plus additional Bloomberg-funded lawyers and public relations services. He suggested the group pay the SAAG a salary “as high as $125,000” per year. Bloomberg’s group then hired an individual, Josh Segal, as a “research fellow”, stating “Your annual base salary will be $125,000” plus benefits, to “be seconded to the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Maryland (“OAG”) as a Special Assistant Attorney General”.

Less than two weeks later, Frosh wrote to Segal stating “I am hereby appointing you as Pro Bono [sic] Assistant Counsel pursuant to my authority under State Government Article 6-105(f) and determination that this appointment is necessary to carry out the duties of my office”. Article 6-105(f) indeed requires any attorney brought on board under its authority to be “pro bono” — which as the complaint points out, the Maryland Courts define, and Bloomberg’s $125k-a-year position to “be seconded to the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Maryland (“OAG”) as a Special Assistant Attorney General” most definitely is not.

The Maryland AG purported to make an appointment for which he had no legal authority, and proceeded to claim he acted under an inapplicable authority. On its face this appointment is plainly unlawful. The public deserves to see what promises this Office made for these resources.



  1. Just more taxation without representation from Maryland. I for one cannot wait to leave this state its a sorry despicable left leaning marxist dictatorship run by failing democrat policy. planning on leaving now before taxes to pay for all the freeloaders goes up any higher..please join me

  2. So it seems everyone that has a beef with President Trump has serious skeletons in their closet. I hope Frosh's time is limited. Good post, Mr Albero.

  3. Frosh has to go.

  4. Just another crooked corrupt Democrat. But us Marylanders already knew that, right???

  5. Great news! How you like the heat, Brian?


  6. MD Legislature to call for hearings and subpoena AG Frosh on this matter in ....seconds. Well maybe by next appearance of Halley's Comeet...

    in 2061.

    Frosh is just a political ideologue, and the legislature gave him the power to file lawsuits hither and yon over any topic that excites him. And he has.

  7. get these commie dirtbags out of our government. md sure has allot

  8. AHHHH. This little dirtbag thought he was cute. What comes around goes around SMUCK. You thought your were SOOOOO cute with your lawsuit against PRESIDENT TRUMP. I think you just got TRUMPED!!

  9. frosh wants to show off and file lawsuit after lawsuit against President Trump when the real crooked POS is frosh himself. Karma frosh karma and may it bite him in his lying putrid arse big time and for the rest of his loser miserable life. He deserves nothing but bad luck and misery for his lying dishonest immoral life he's lead.

  10. He is not the only one. This is also what gives him the time and resources tosue the Trump administration.

  11. Finally, I hope he gets toasted !

  12. Frosh is nothing more than a political hack for the democrats -I hope he is ashamed of himself as much as we are ashamed of the peoples republic of Md

  13. We need the DOJ to look into Bloomberg and Soros as they throw millions of dollars around the country trying to influence and spread their left wing ideology with impunity because of a complicit media.They are basically subverting the will of the people with these underhanded tactics.

  14. Frosh needs to go ASAP. Hogan, Miller and Busch needs to act ASAP and get rid of him for illegal business in Office and violating State regulations law. Hogan needs to get off his ass now or prove he is not a Republican,

    1. and you think Miller and Busch should stay WOW

  15. I agree with 7:55 Poster - the State of MD is one of the worse States in the entire union. Corruption, crime, and just look at how they took Trump's victory of 7 of MD's 10 electoral votes and awarded all ten to Hillary.

    Now that is absolute corruption. If you don't believe me then Wilipedia -jerry mandering -and you'll see that MD is listed as the nation's worse abuser.

  16. To 11:25 Poster : DITTO - Hogan needs to get off his ass ASAP.

  17. Local delegates, don’t let this man get away with this. Call for an investigation, and if guilty made to resign!


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