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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Former state Sen. Jim Mathias named UMES’ government relations director

The University of Maryland Eastern Shore has named former state lawmaker Jim Mathias its government relations director.

Mathias served 4½ years in Maryland's House of Delegates - from June 2006 until January 2011 - and the following eight years in the state Senate representing Worcester and Somerset counties and eastern Wicomico County.

He lost a re-election bid in November 2018 to Republican Mary Beth Carozza, who had been representing Worcester County in the state House of Delegates.

The Baltimore native also was mayor of Ocean City from 1996 until mid-2006. 



  1. Government relations? Does that mean go to Annapolis and get us more money from your liberal friends? While you are there see if you can do anything about taking away peoples guns also. Maybe you can increase the flush tax and create some new taxes so the university can waste more taxpayers dollars.

  2. Still feeding from the trough!

  3. Probably hired over the phone. 150k a year full benefits. The YES man for democrats gets another position he doesn't deserve.

  4. Drunk Jim, big loser.

  5. Payback for all the kids he got into that college. He Damn sure didn't do much for citizens themselves. Post his salary so we all know how much he helped the college.

  6. Fu***** politicians. These people are scum and as we all know find a way to serve themselves generously while they turn the rest of us against each other.

  7. How much is he getting Paid ??

  8. What does that worthless position pay

  9. Why hasnt UMES been shut down yet? ....

  10. UMES will never be shut down,
    That would be racist!

  11. Like a bad penny, they always show up!

    Like the Clinton's you wish they would go away,
    but they always come back.

    Sort of like a weed or a persistent puss filled cyst
    that keeps coming back after you think is is cured!

  12. Same old bunch run everything! Insider traders having nothing on this good ole boy!

  13. They just can't give the tax dollars up

  14. Another over paid position for a politician to try and get money from the government.


  15. Waste of money. Liberal Jim rides again.

  16. Good need more whites at that "historically black college." The black staff are not positive role models. The do nothing but damage the students. They just keep the students lying and dishonest. Remember the protests where they had signs Hands Up. That was a lie. Brown did not have his hands up. Not one of the black staff had the honesty in them to tell the students that was a lie and its not nice nor moral to spread lies. Those kids need to be around more whites. It's the only hope to get that race some morals in them.

  17. Is that 3, or 4, government pensions that he will be getting?

  18. UMES buying influence thru Jim.

    This is why ordinary voters do not matter.

  19. Look - UMES currently already has 'mud on its face'. Remember - this is the same institution that dished out an HONORARY DOCTORATE to none other than accused rapist and drugged countless women - Bill Cosby.

    So it comes as no surprise to me that they would alter their contemptible reputation by hiring none other than an eastern shore rejected and ousted political Senator.

    IMHO - It's better to not even have a Degree issued by this detestable institution.

  20. Was the 'position' open to current employees at UMES? Was it announced as an 'open' position for qualified applicants?
    This smells of a make work job for him since he lost the most recent election.
    So when he walks down the halls of UMES everyone will know he is just a loser who got an overpaid welfare job.

  21. The dems take care of their own, what a waste of tax payer money.

  22. Don't laugh WE ALL are the ones paying for it !!!

  23. A 'graduate' of UMES worked in my department. I had to constantly review her reports. Below are a few of my favorite sentences from her....And yes, she was offended when I put a dictionary on her desk after her first week of employment,.

    "I snagged my coat on a corner of the wall and it caused a whole to form in it."

    "The lady axed for a duplicate form."

    "The mother said her kid was made to go to detention hall because he hollowed to loud in the classroom."


  25. He's keeping his liplock on the public spigot.


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