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Monday, March 11, 2019

Forget about Israel: Ilhan Omar’s not a big fan of America, either

Since she entered Congress earlier this year, freshman Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar has consistently made news with her anti-Semitism, which may yet force the Democratic Party into a corner. Less noticed — and apparently even less troubling to her party—is the hostility Omar shows in public statements about her adopted country. Omar was born in Somalia, which she fled with her family at age 9, during the country’s civil war. She spent four years in a refugee camp in Kenya until the United States rescued her and her family in 1995. It’s not surprising that she has made her remarkable experience a centerpiece of her political campaigns and public life.

What is surprising is the extent to which her narrative consists of complaints about the intolerance, racism, inequity, and filth that she found when she came to the United States, and since. Gratitude, for the country and the people who saved and welcomed her family, is largely absent from her telling. Interviewed on the popular Pod Save America podcast, Omar explained that when her family was preparing for resettlement in America, they watched orientation videos “about the life that they are to expect once they arrive here . . . happy families, and dinner tables where there is an abundance of food, images of happy young children running off to their school buses . . . images of a country where people are happy and leading a life that is prosperous. You are really looking forward to life as you see it on that screen.”

Life in America was not like the images she saw in the welcome video, Omar insists. “When we landed,” she recalls, “I saw panhandlers on the side of the streets, there being trash everywhere, and graffiti on the side of the walls.” Omar asked her father why America fell so short of what she had been promised, and he told her to “hold on, we will get to our America.”



  1. Proof she is a supporter of radical Islam. She don't like the US she should be on the next plane back to Somalia and denounce her US citizenship.

  2. From these statements from Omar there is absolutely no thankfulness for what she has and what she has received no appreciation for her election and the real changes she should be projecting like a love for this country and all the people that made it possible. She is a very shallow person and it definitely is all about her, she should not even have won the election she is no American at all, she is a disgrace to her own history and a blight on ours.

  3. Too bad Hilliary doesn't know that she's scheduled to testify against her next week!

  4. Comes from a Oppressive country and now wants to push her oppression on America ? FU.

  5. dont like it here, then go back to the #$%^hole you came from.

  6. Gitmo for this B...h

  7. So what?

    How is she different from any other spoiled liberal living off the fat of a glorious land only to whine, complain, and denounce.

    This country is loaded with them.

  8. I watched the White House press briefing and some how it is Trumps fault for calling her out per msm. Crazyness. Republicans are total wimps.. without Trump their would be only one party

  9. A Spy & Enemy > Time to Deport her !!!!

  10. Hate to say it but you are right 7:22
    If it wasn't for President, the wimpy republican party would no longer exit. The republican congress needs to get off their lazy asses and start standing up for the people that elected them. They've been idle way to long

  11. Who in the hell are voting these muslims into our legislative system

    1. OBAMA had 8 years and rapidly put his Muslim adminstration all along our northern border. Now we have to watch Muslims from the north. MS-13 from the south.

  12. Like ANY other Muslim. THAT HATE EVERYTHING!!!


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