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Monday, March 11, 2019

Feds Pay Millions for Lobster Tail, Booze, Toys in End of Year Spending Binge

Federal agencies billed taxpayers millions for lobster tail, alcohol, standing desks, golf carts, and more frivolous expenditures before budgets ran out at the end of the fiscal year.

A new analysis released by OpenTheBooks.com found 66 agencies spent $97 billion last September, the final month of fiscal year 2018. The end of the year taxpayer-funded spending spree included contracts with Coors, millions on iPhones, furniture, and CrossFit equipment.

"In the final month of the fiscal year, federal agencies scramble to spend what's left in their annual budget," OpenTheBooks.com said. "Agencies worry spending less than their budget allows might prompt Congress to appropriate less money in the next fiscal year. To avoid this, federal agencies choose to embark on an annual shopping spree rather than admit they can operate on less."

Resulting government expenditures included $4.6 million on lobster tail and crab; $673,471 on golf carts; $1.7 million on pianos, tubas, and trombones; $9.8 million on workout and recreation equipment; and $7.7 million iPhones and iPads.



  1. That money thrown and blown that we hard working Americans gave them, would not only protect us with a border wall. It would buy a dome to cover us from any unwanted turds in our skies above. We need to help the POTUS by at least supporting him.

    1. Good reply. However, we did not give the money to government agencies, the government took it, whether we liked it or not.

  2. I want names and arrests.

  3. Imagine that. Corruption in the government... who would have guessed?

    Names and arrests indeed.

  4. I'd rather cut their fingers off. All of them. Theft is criminal. The end of year budget crap happens any where federal money is given. Isn't that right s.u.

  5. There's nothing illegal about it, but there should be rules about end of year spending that disallow foolishness like this that takes $$ from other budgets that actually need the extra cash.

    Yes, "it's always been this way", but that's no excuse for waste and abuse.

  6. Yet we can't secure the border. Another reason to vote them ALL out. But we just sit here posting year after year. I heard this justv3 years ago on this very same BLOG.

    1. 10:30- And here you are, still posting. It's okay for you, but the rest of us need to disconnect. That's what you're stating? Get over yourself already.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: Been aware of this since joining the army in 1963. Always a spending binge before the beginning of the new fiscal year. The alleged reason is as stated, if they don’t use it they may receive a reduced amount for the new fiscal year. That is unlikely as I have never seen any federal budget actually reduced. Actually, Marxist liberals consider it a budget cut if an agency receives the same amount as they received the year before. If the amount was not increased, it is considered a “cut”. Marxists like to use that process as leverage. They will claim that evil conservatives have “cut” funding for some program popular with the usual freeloaders th garner votes against conservatives in later elections.

  8. The Politians are to blame because there is no incentive to ave that money for the next fiscal year. The Agency will be penalized for not spending it by subtracting that amount from the next years budget. The Agency might need that money for an added needed expenditure that was not needed the year before and have to fight to get the needed money if they even get it. All Governments operate like that.

  9. Whatever happened to the good old days of tar, feathers, and heads on pikes in the town square?

  10. Should be CRIMINAL WHat the hell goes on !!!!

    Noone held accountable !!!

    If we took a frigg'in ink pen we would go to prison !!!!

    There should be no tax then , None
    Make the damn govt Make & Waist their own damn $$$$

  11. There needs to be a New ACCOUNTABILITY Dept to

    Police the damn Govt & hold All of it Accountable !!!!

    Also 2 term Limits for ALL !!!!


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