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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Doctor warns parents not to let kids play these 6 dangerous sports

About 36 million children play organized sports each year, but it's the high-impact ones we need to look out for. Some parents think getting hurt is just part of the game. Others think something must be said about the risks.

In an interview with "Today" in 2017, Dr. Bennet Omalu, a forensic pathologist, said high-impact sports can be dangerous, and the "big six" to avoid are:
  • American football
  • Ice hockey
  • Mixed martial arts
  • Boxing
  • Wrestling
  • Rugby
However, sports such as lacrosse and soccer can be dangerous, too.

Omalu also stressed that children should not be allowed to play until they're 18, a theory he discusses in his book "Truth Doesn't Have a Side." He called the act of going out on the field and suffering "repeated blows" to the head, the "definition of child abuse." 



  1. They are truly taking over.

  2. Neck and back injuries often go unnoticed and untreated. Some years ago the Freshman football team had neck x-rays done as part of a study to look at undiagnosed injuries gotten in high school and before. They found that a full 35% of the team had either a healed fracture or another abnormality associated with neck trauma, none of which were treated after the injury.

    1. That was at Dartmouth College.

  3. Yup, boys need to be playing inside with Barbie and Skipper dolls. They also should play dress up and do their nails. If they want to venture out than let them join the new girl/boy scouts. They can get merit badges for knitting, cooking, diaper changing, make up, glitter decorating.

    1. Usually no one gets hurt playing video games, no sunburn either.

  4. Buy your kids a skateboard

  5. I'm looking forward to the 2030 winter TV sports lineup and watching "Professional Hide & Seek".

  6. 2030 will also have Tidily-winks, Pick-up-sticks, Tick-tac-toe, and hop scotch.
    ABC wide world of sports will be cat herding.

  7. Maybe join the Debate team...no-wait!!! They could get a PAPRER CUT...Ban debate teams to avoid paper cuts....

  8. Baseball....no, make that ping pong. It's much safer.
    Seriously, I have so many injuries from lacrosse, hockey and rugby that any doctor i go to always ask if I was in a front end collision or some other major accident. But, I wouldn't change my dozen broken bones for playing a NON - contact sport. Not sure which is worse, my neck or my shoulder. They both give me problems. Go hard or go home was my motto.

  9. All these years of sports why has proper head gear not been required for schools, and if it comes down to price then something needs to be done about that, how many years do the children pay the price?


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