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Friday, March 15, 2019

Democrats, Fed Up With Rep. Ilhan Omar, Are Working On Finding A Primary Challenger

Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar is supposed to be in a fairly safe district having secured around 75% of the vote in her last go-round, but if some Minnesota Democrats have their way, she may be facing a significant primary challenge.

The Hill reports that Minnesota Dems are so frustrated with what they see as Omar's blatant anti-Semitism and refusal to learn from her mistakes that they're already talking about holding recruitment for a primary challenger, even though Omar has been in office less than three months.

"There’s definitely some buzz going around about it, but it’s more a buzz of is anyone talking about finding someone to run against her than it is anyone saying they’re going to run against her or contemplate it. There’s definitely talk about people wanting someone to run against her," one Minnesota state senator, who represents part of Omar's district, told the Washington, D.C. outlet.



  1. She is not making mistakes. This is on purpose. She has a stage and is using it. She and her supporters feel this is their time.

  2. Fundamental transformation.

  3. islam is evil. if thats your morals pool your evil..no one is sinless but a christain pool at least doesnt preach hatred lies or deception.

  4. The people of Minnesota voted her in, now they must live with their mistake.


  5. Minnesota invited 'refugees' from a completely different culture which is firmly rooted in the 7th century. Then they began knuckling under to religious demands from them. Omar was elected from a district with overwhelming Democrat registration and a large Somali population which has been given the vote. They'll continue to vote their party and their religion, unless she is indicted and convicted for her unlawful immigration bigamy/incest issues.

  6. Keep putting pressure on your Congressman to get her out of office


  7. Keep putting pressure on your Congressman to get her out of office



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