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Thursday, March 07, 2019

Conservative Activist to Press Charges Against Suspect in UC Berkeley Assault

Conservative activist Hayden Williams confirmed he will press charges against Zachary Greenberg, the man arrested for allegedly punching him in the face at UC Berkeley, in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity Monday evening.

A partial transcript is as follows:

SEAN HANNITY: At CPAC, the president announced his plans to issue an Executive Order to ensure that America’s left-wing universities actually enforce freedom of speech or they don’t get money. On stage with the president was Hayden Williams. He was viciously, as you know, attacked while recruiting students for a conservative organization at UC Berkeley. Thankfully, the UC Berkeley police announced Friday that they have made an arrest. The suspect, 28-year-old Zachary Greenberg. […] Hayden, number one, glad you’re here. Pretty cool getting called up by the president, right? it was kind of worth a punch.

HAYDEN WILLIAMS: Yeah, I guess. It was kind of exhilarating, you know, being recognized and brought up on the stage at CPAC. But you know, there are so many conservatives students across the country who put up with similar forms of discrimination and harassment, and even violence that, you know, don’t get recognized, and we’ve covered it extensively.


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