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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Byron York: House Democrats send message: Impeachment is on

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee says there is no doubt President Trump has obstructed justice.

"It's very clear that the president obstructed justice," Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler told ABC Sunday. "It's very clear — 1,100 times he referred to the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt, he tried to — he fired — he tried to protect Flynn from being investigated by the FBI. He fired Comey in order to stop the Russian thing, as he told NBC News. He — he's dangled part — he's threat — he's intimidated witnesses. In public."

Think what you will about the reasons — calling an investigation a "witch hunt" is obstruction of justice? — but Nadler sounded less like a man weighing the evidence than a man who has has made up his mind. Given that, Nadler's ABC interview led to a question: President Nixon was threatened with impeachment for obstruction of justice. President Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice. Why is Nadler, who heads the committee in the House that originates articles of impeachment, not moving forward with impeaching President Trump right now?



  1. What there is no doubt of is that the Dems are highly corrupt.

  2. they guys are traitors pissed off because Trump has turned over the money changers in the temple..

  3. O'turdly's failure to prosecute Hilliary, Holder, Lynch, among others...

    If we had treated that traitor to half the amount of scrutiny that President Trump has successfully endured - we would have been screamed at for abuse - and the POS would NOT have been re-elected!

  4. Nadler said we don't have the facts yet but we are impeaching,must be some way to throw the Democrat bums out.

  5. Trump needs to just start investigations on each and everyone of them
    Put the shoe on the other foot

  6. Republicans need to start fighting fire with fire

  7. Do they not remember the Clinton affair and his impeachment, for obstruction of justice, in a Republican controlled House? Most of them were there then. Then it went to the Democrat controlled Senate (Republican controlled now) and Clinton was acquitted of the charges. Impeachment yes, removal from office, no. Clinton's popularity and approval sorred after that. Thanks Dems for wasting America's time and money on this, and ensuring Trump's re-election.


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