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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Border Patrol catches two deported sex offenders crossing into Arizona

U.S. Border Patrol agents on Tuesday caught two illegal immigrants with criminal convictions as they crossed into Arizona from Mexico.

One man, 35-year-old Santos Avila Rosales of Honduras, was convicted of child molestation in Louisiana in 2011, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The other, 46-year-old Arturo Benjamin Avila Torres, is a two-time convicted felon who was deported after his crimes in California. He was convicted in 1993 for assault with a firearm and again in 1998 for "lascivious acts with a minor under 14."



  1. Those criminals who cross the border at the established gates get screened. Those who cross elsewhere don't.

  2. Bill Clinton & Weiner !!!!

  3. Bill Cosby & Rapper ??

  4. OJ & Al Sharpton !!!

  5. Send them over to Nancy's house for room and board.

  6. Democrats don't care. They are a very sick gross sub species of the human being still extremely primal and never evolving into civilized human beings. They don't even care about their own children though in their constant lying they claim otherwise. Every single one of their actions prove they don't love their own children much less anyone elses. Again they can claim otherwise but since there isn't an honest nor moral democrat alive (or dead) we know they are just getting to that lying they all do constantly. The only time they didn't lie was when they called themselves nasty. Nasty putrid rank trash they all are not one worthy to even be breathing the same air as the good righteous honest people of the GOP.


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