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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Bookstore owner: 'I don't think this book would have done well in the free market at all'

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - As ethics and legal questions are raised local authors and book store owners are upset that they were never given a chance to bid on the book deal.

Matthew Benicewicz, owner of Protean Books and Records in Federall Hill, said: “If someone in leadership is using their influence or power to make sales that would have never happened in a free market, then obviously that’s a very depressing situation.”

Benicewicz stumbled on a copy of “Healthy Holly” while he was scouting thrift stores for his shop.

“You can’t find it anywhere - meaning it’s not selling in any other market, so you wonder where these copies are," he said. "I’ve had a store for eight years and this is the first copy I know I’ve seen.”



  1. While this may appear dull due to the title, it’s a must read about deeper financial corruption in Maryland. It’s quite a disturbing story!

  2. The fact that those hundreds of thousands of books sat in warehouses after purchase points to a conspiracy beneficial to the author and raises questions of pay to play on the part of UMMS. Of course, Marilyn Mosby will brush it off as being a non-issue and Maryland taxpayers will again be left holding the stinking bag while the perps drink champagne.

  3. Isn't that how Hitler sold Mein Kopf??

  4. Ethics? In Baltimore government? You're kidding, right?

  5. Can you imagine if that idiot Ben Jealous had gotten elected?? This would pale in comparison to what he had plans for


  6. Those at UMMS who knew of this and agreed to it should be on trial. But you can expect crickets from self-important AG Frosh.


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