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Saturday, March 09, 2019

AMA Joins Planned Parenthood in Lawsuit Challenging 'Protect Life' Rule

The American Medical Association (AMA) forged its alliance further with the abortion industry Tuesday when it joined Planned Parenthood in a lawsuit challenging the Trump administration’s new rule that draws a clear line between abortion and family planning.

“Because of the administration’s overreach and interference in health care decision-making, physicians will be prohibited from having open, frank conversations with their patients about all their healthcare options,” said AMA president Barbara L. McAneny, M.D., using the language of the abortion industry in equating abortion with “health care.”

However, Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), said she found it “curious that the AMA seems to only be concerned about the patient-physician relationship and ‘unbiased’ advice with regard to recommending abortion.”

“What about Medicare and Medicaid, which punish physicians for prescribing allegedly ‘unnecessary’ or ‘inappropriate’ services, and constrain their work with impenetrable, ever-changing rules?”

Louisiana Republican Rep. Ralph Abraham, a practicing physician for more than 20 years, said in a statement sent to Breitbart News, “The AMA does not speak for all doctors – and certainly not me – because we value saving lives, not killing babies.”



  1. Unbelievable when the medical association in this country puts abortion at its forefront.

  2. 816
    It always has put abortion in the forefront.
    It is part of the globalist network of powerful organizations seeking to control human beings.

    Without abortion, there can be no vaccine industry.

    Think about it. How will they grow the vaccines without dead fetus?

  3. For women who are pregnant - there is only one choice - birth.


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