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Friday, March 15, 2019

2020 Democrats: The Economy Is Terrible (It’s Not)

With the 2020 presidential campaign on its way, Democratic candidates are trying to portray an economy that is in "crisis" and not working for everyone under President Donald Trump.

"The economy in America today is not working for working people," Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) said.

"When they declare victory at 4 percent unemployment, it is not good enough," Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) declared.

"We have enormous crises in this country … in terms of millions of people living in poverty, in terms of a shrinking middle class," Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said.

"The middle-class squeeze is real," Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) said. "And millions of families can barely breathe."



  1. "We have enormous crises in this country … in terms of millions of people living in poverty, in terms of a shrinking middle class," Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said.

    Does this mean we need to raise the amount of welfare given to "newcomers?"

  2. The pension problems seem to have lessened for the time being.

  3. Roll back catch and release then unemployment will drop once again, make receiving benefits (for able bodied, citizens) require working part-time, eliminate benefits for non citizens: we would have no deficit in 5-10 years.

  4. Build the damn wall, kick all the illegals the hell out and everything will be just fine. Oh and while we're cleaning things up put that POS Hillary in prison where she belongs.


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