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Sunday, March 03, 2019

16 gun bills under consideration in Annapolis

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Monday was gun day in Annapolis as gun rights and gun control advocates lined up to testify on a slew of bills.

Sixteen gun-related bills being heard Monday included allowing parishioners to be armed inside church, requiring an armed presence inside every school and getting a license and background check for long guns.

Police said Capital Gazette shooting suspect Jarrod Ramos used a legally purchased pump-action shotgun and passed a background check before opening fire in the newspaper's newsroom in June.

Some people are supporting a bill that would require a license and background check on all rifle and shotgun purchases. Jan Donahoe McNamara lost her brother-in-law, John McNamara, in the Capital Gazette shooting.

"It was a warm summer night and the fireflies had settled into the tall trees looking like twinkling Christmas lights. Rather than finding the site comforting, the girls were confused that the world could still seem so calm and beautiful when something so ugly had just happened. The man who stormed the Gazette newsroom less than 4 miles from where we are sitting right now used a long gun to destroy as many lives as he could," Donahoe McNamara said.



  1. It is not normal to have so many mass shootings.

    1. There aren't so many mass shootings, it's just a media propping up everything they can to exploit it. All these mass shootings that have occurred with all the gun laws that are in place now would have not stopped anything and everything that is being proposed will not stop any of these mass shootings.

      These are simple facts that you can look up if you want to open your eyes and get facts instead of emotions.

    2. Tell that to the Criminals in BALTIMORE.

  2. Are you people eating lead???? They said, the guy PASSED A BACKGROUND CHECK and bought the shot-gun legally!!!! Get that??? NO LAWS WERE BROKEN AND YOUR BACKGROUND CHECK BULLSHIT didn't stop this, so yes, lets be just as stupid we all know you all to be and bring to the floor more background check bills, becasue it stopped this one and others like it right???? you people are worse than stupid than dirt, it is official...

  3. I pray Marylander's are AWAKE!!!

  4. That pump action shotgun is what Joe Biden publicly claimed was the only weapon we need to defend ourselves and our homes. Now they want to take that away form us. At some point, these idiot legislators are going to have to explain to SCOTUS why these laws aren't 2nd amendment unconstitutional. They are very close to having to explain why a "reason to conceal carry" is constitutional. We'll have to wait and see how NJ makes out with their case. DC lost their case, and now concealed carry is a right in DC. Jerks in the Maryland state house want to see how far they can go to disarm us before the SCOTUS steps in.

  5. And if he couldn't get a shotgun, he would have stabbed them all with a knife. He was mad and determined to kill them. The gun had little to do with the crime. Or a bomb, or ramming the office with a car....There are a thousand ways he could have killed them, but he chose a hunting gun. Just one person in that office with a concealed carry permit could have stopped the attack in its tracks. Is the state trying to prevent something like that from happening again? Hell no, those shithouse legislators have an agenda to fill, and is is not to make anyone safer.

  6. Maryland is done
    Time to exit
    Not worth it anymore

  7. No mass shootings on the shore because everyone owns guns.

  8. gun control is a hidden danger of the rainbow. in order to fully implement the NWO. the USA gun right stand in the way

  9. We will not comply

  10. Don't you think that people can make guns? Why not use a knife or tomahawk.The guns aren't the criminals.

  11. Civil war is coming.

  12. Hey great, not there will not be any more crime there. Everyone will be safe with those laws around.


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