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Thursday, February 14, 2019

WOW, Free Electric! Now That's GREEN!


  1. Alexandra is the new “It” girl. A real cutie pie. Her generation totally believes in her. 20 years from now she, and many more like her, will become the majority in Congress. Just like George C. Scott said near the end of his role in the movie “Patton”, “I’m glad I won’t live to see it.”

  2. Me too! I'm glad we have an expiration date. A very few years from not it is not going to be pretty in this country. Not so pretty now so imagine what's coming.

  3. And she believes milk and eggs come from the grocery store. Different subject - How does she get to work - Car, train, bike,or does she walk from the Capitol to here apartment?

  4. Put her finger in the socket ....see if power is on !!! LOL


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