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Monday, February 25, 2019

Worcester County FYI

Presented by a local democrat. Our Eastern Shore democrats are just as delusional and hateful as the dems all over the country are.

Go to this, stand up for what you believe in.

From the library's events page:

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - 3:30 PM
Location: Berlin Branch

This presentation will review the provisions in the U.S. Constitution that set forth the procedures for the impeachment and removal of a President as well as the legal basis for applying those provisions. 

Among the issues that will be discussed are the Emoluments Clause,the 25th Amendment, the law limiting political contributions by foreign nationals, and the historical interpretation of the term “high crimes and misdemeanors”. Our discussion is hosted by Howard Sribnick.


  1. WTF is Howard Sribnick?

  2. Of course Eastern Shore democrats are just as hateful and as evil and nasty as any other democrat walking the face of the earth. If anything they are worse because around here many get to that lying all democrats do all the time and say they are Christians. No such thing. a democrat is never a Christian no matter how much they lie and say they are. They approve of babies being murdered and other perversions spoken out against in the Bible. They think they can pick and choose what parts of the Bible they want to pay attention to but God sees their evil ugly dark hearts and the devil already has their places picked out in hell for them.

  3. Howard Sribnick is a libtard Progressive who is using the Worcester County Library to get the citizens all worked up turn on President Trump with this "Impeachment" Bullsh!t!! There is absolutely no need for this because it is nothing but Howard Sribnick's political agenda and hatred towards our President.

    Howard Sribnick is a member of the Worcester County Public Library Foundation.

    Howard Sribnick was a member of the Worcester County Democrat Club and may still be.

    Shame on the Worcester County Commissioners for allowing Howard Sribnick to use the Worcester County Library to push his Liberal Agenda at the expense of our Worcester County taxpayers.

  4. Meeting held at Berlin Library by the haters. Can't wait until our President Trump wins re-election in 2020.

  5. Look him up on mylife.com

  6. Howard Sribnick is an attorney who worked for the Office of the Inspector General (Department of Justice) at least as far back as 2004 and for the Federal Trade Commission as far back as 2007.

  7. Sribnick should become a new term in local dialect, like "Hey this is a dog park. Don't step in any sribnick" or "What's wrong with the democrats? Do they ALL have their heads up their sribnicks?"

  8. Joe you ahosho get the video from anapAnnap house it's out there Mike Lewis was great and I ain't a fan of his BUT NOW I AM.

  9. i vote for 1:13. "sribnick happens"

  10. Is there going to be a march in front of the library protesting this act of treason ?

  11. The library manager is a VERY hostile LGBT&Q liberal progressive moron with a personal agenda. This mindset is very prevalent in library culture in Md. Some of these people are very sick individuals using the library and library system to indoctrinate children and promote everything counter to normal among other dastardly activities. Adult toy and fisting seminars, leftist political studies, religious discrimination against Christians and promotion of Islam, etc. Thumbs down big time on them!

  12. lets have a trump rally in front of the library at the same time!come on joe and mark odachowski,lets organize it!


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