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Monday, February 25, 2019

Woman Claims She Is a Victim After Assaulting MAGA Hat Customer

A Massachusetts woman arrested for allegedly assaulting a man in a Mexican restaurant wearing a “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) hat claimed she was the victim in the incident.

Rosaine Santos, a 41-year-old Brazilian national residing in Falmouth, faces multiple charges— including assault, battery, and disorderly conduct— for a Friday February 15 incident where she allegedly harassed the 23-year-old man and pulled his red Trump campaign-issued hat over his face at Casa Vallarta Mexican Restaurant, Mass Live reported.

But Santos, who pleaded not guilty to the charges against her at a Wednesday court hearing before the judge released her on her own recognizance, claims she was actually “the victim” for being “discriminated” against.

“I had a little bit to drink maybe that’s the reason that I couldn’t walk away but being discriminated for so many times in my life, I just had to stand up for myself,” she told Boston 25. “He’s not a victim. I am the victim. I have been bullied, OK?”

More here


  1. We are the victims for letting dumb asses like that in our country

  2. Another illegal?? Imagine that

  3. She should be on the first flight back to Brazil and quit mooching off the US tax payer.

  4. She confront the man who is minding his own business, assaults him by pulling his hat over his face, verbally assaults him, get arrested, and SHE is the victim? Oh yeah, add "a little bit to drink" to that also.

  5. Letter To The Editor

    I wanted to write this about 3 weeks ago when I first heard that the Mayor and Council hired this man as their Police Chief. A town that has already had problems with its police chiefs.

    This officer was a 30 year old police officer patroling the streets of Pocomoke City in 1980 when he started having an affair with a 16 year old child from New Church, Virginia. Just a few short miles South of Pocomoke City. This 16 y/o child was a new driver, with a new license and a new car that her parents bought. She was riding around Pocomoke City, as most Eastern Shore of Virginia girls did and still do today when she caught the eye of the police officer who was on duty for Pocomoke City patrolling the streets.

    "“I’m not going to jeopardize my seat for someone else’s laziness or wrongdoings,” He said." How ironic that he doesn't want to jeapordize his seat for someone else's wrong doings. What about his own?

    This child was a 16 year old 10th grader at Arcadia High School when this affair began. How do I know? I was a very close friend of hers and I would stop and drop her off or she would use my car to go meet this Officer. This affair happened many late nights while this Officer was on duty working the night shift. This happened many nights while this Officer was supposed to be patrolling the streets and protecting the tax paying citizens of Pocomoke City. This Officer was a 30 y/o man sexually abusing a 16 y/o child and this should not be tolerated. Remember what the Dems did to Judge Moore and Judge Kavanaugh. Time to make this Pocomoke Democrats accountable and to make sure he doesn't abuse his power and authority again. In case your readers are curious to know if it is who they think it is, her initials are RAH.

    Pocomoke has a history of bad police chiefs breaking the law and abusing their power such as Frank White, Kelvin Sewell and Bill Harden. This man is a sexual predator and should not be allowed to ben in this position of authority. Pocomoke City can't afford another law suit!

    Pocomoke Police: A new face, in a familiar place
    February 5, 2019 Julian Sadur

    POCOMOKE CITY, Md. – Pocomoke City’s newest police chief is no-nonsense.

  6. Unwanted touching = assault. He's the victim.
    Unwanted speech = free speech = a right given by the Constitution. Take it away and what you have is a federal crime.

  7. Well, one can't argue against ignorance. She's not a victim. She's just a fool. Just because words spill from her lips, doesn't make them true.

  8. Can you imagine what would happen to ANY of us he we ACTED LIKE that in another country?? Yet we continue to let these WORTHLESS people destroy our society.

  9. send her back now...

  10. poor thing ..deport her upon conviction , since it appears she does not like it here.

  11. The gentlemen showed great restraint. I’m not sure I would have handled it the same way. Actually I would have decked her who am I kidding. And before anyone says men shouldn’t hit women I’m a women and I still would have decked her. Just sayn.


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