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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

White House to Veto Democrat Bill Criminalizing Private Gun Sales

The White House made clear Monday that if the House Democrats’ push to criminalize private gun sales somehow reached the president’s desk, it would be vetoed.

On Monday, Breitbart News reported that the Democrats plan to vote this week on H.R.8, the legislation criminalizing private gun sales. H.R.8 would not have stopped a single mass shooter from the last decade, but it would criminalize a friend who sells a gun to a lifelong friend without first getting government permission.

Bloomberg News’ Sahil Kapur reports that the White House released a “Statement of Administration Policy,” making clear the White House opposes the Democrat gun control push.



  1. The Asian girl on WBOC needs to learn the Constitution before saying sheriff Lewis is refusing to uphold the law pertaining to the new gun laws the Communist Democrats are trying to pass.

  2. At least Trump stands by his word and not like the chameleon in MD called Hogan who goes against his word.

  3. Doesn't matter, The dems own the house, they can just not fund anything until you cave ans you all always do...

  4. HISTORY REPEATS ITSELFFebruary 27, 2019 at 10:47 AM

    Remember Prohibition?

    Citizens will acquire weapons by other means

  5. More guns , more shootings , more deaths !


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