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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

What the Best Picture winner says about the Oscars

Race was destined to be a central element of this year’s Oscars, where Kevin Hart was disinvited from hosting, “Black Panther” inspired the idea of an Outstanding Achievement in Popular Film category, and #OscarsSoWhite turned four years old.

So of course, “Green Book,” a film about a black pianist touring in the Deep South, won Best Picture. But why not “Black Panther,” a superhero film set in Africa? Or “BlacKkKlansman,” a film about a black cop who infiltrates the Ku Klux Klan?

The fact that civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., presented the nomination for “Green Book” signaled what was to come.



  1. Has anyone else also noticed how every other comercial has turned black, or included a mixed race couple? Blacks only make up 13% of this nation but now are shown in over 59% of the commercials, and mixed race couples only make up just 3% yet are now in 50% of them too!

  2. I would love to see the biggest box office draw win the best picture.

    1. 10:08, why? Popularity and quality are 2 entirely distinct metrics.

    2. Exactly. Be careful 10:08 what you wish for. Some would like to see the candidate that wins the populous vote win the Presidential race (Hillary).

  3. TV has gone to hell, every program has a tranny, gay, or some other liberal freak on it. And all of the commercials are pushing inter-racial couples. Even some products I never that would do this. Actual percentages of queers, and inter-race couples is very low but Hollywood is pushing it to look like it is very high and this is the new normal.

  4. This is just another politically correct event. Where blacks are the "victims" of blacks in Africa selling blacks into slavery and we need to pay for it. The conclusion of the event is already decided. The diverse person will win, just like the "Miss America" beauty contest. It's a shame that women don't get PO'D with all the hours they spend busting their butts in the gym getting ready for what's supposed to be a beauty contest with no chance to win. The winner will be diverse.

    1. 4:33 just wait till a man wins Miss America, it's coming

  5. 6:24 some of us don't want to be controlled by the opinion of bible thumping idiots.

  6. We're twelve years and counting of no TV. When we see it in a public place we're reminded of how that decision was the right one.

  7. @ February 27, 2019 at 6:24AM. If that hillary hag had been so popular, then she would have won. The people chose the best person for the job. Now the hillary dummies need to deal with it. And will have to deal with it again in 2020. Yeeeee haaa.


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