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Friday, February 01, 2019

UWS tenants: New homeless residents are making life a living hell

Holdout tenants at an Upper West Side building that’s being turned into a homeless shelter say it’s been a living hell since the landlord started renting rooms to the de Blasio administration.

Flor Soto said renovations routinely rattle the former Hotel Alexander until as late as 10:30 p.m., and pungent marijuana smoke wafts through the hallways and into her apartment.

Soto, 34, also said that security guards randomly knock on her door — “which they aren’t supposed to do” — and that people play loud music on their cellphones and yell back and forth to each other.

“I have never in my life had the amount of stress I am under now. I’m perpetually watching to see who else is coming and going on my floor,” said Soto, who works as a personal assistant to a doctor.

“The situation has become borderline harassment,” she said.



  1. She will be voting Republican next election.

    Thank you, democrats.
    Now get back to killing fully formed, minutes-from-birth perfectly healthy babies. Raise our taxes, too.
    THAT has to be a winning platform.

    I made that up.
    Keep cheering.

  2. That doctor she works for must be one cheap SOB if she doesn't make enough to live in better housing.

  3. I hope that she has a legal claim of her privacy and peace of mind being violated.


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