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Sunday, February 10, 2019

URGENT - Call For Action


  1. They can kiss my butt ain't nobody gettin any of my guns,long guns or pistols. None are registered and none are gonna be. Screw that bunch of gun grabbing Democrat idiots.

  2. Being that H-bar is the only style AR-15's that are legally sold in MD, imI sure that this will put a lot of us in jail. It's funny how you had to get passed the FBI check when you bought it to begin with. I guess that this doesn't mean anything now

  3. I'm sure the good little citizens will line up to turn them in--Look at New Jersey attempt to get now banned magazines....

    New Jersey's standard capacity magazine ban is now in effect making New Jersey's one million gun owners criminals in the eyes of the state. But in an act of mass defiance, New Jersey residents refuse to comply.

    Any magazine holding more than ten rounds is now illegal in the Garden State. The standard magazine for an AR-15 holds 30 rounds. Glock 19s, which is the most popular pistol in the United States, holds 15 rounds. Anyone who is possession of larger magazine is committing a fourth-degree felony.

    Anyone caught with one of the now banned magazines in their possession faces up to 18 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines or both for each magazine found.

    The bill was signed into law last June by Gov. Phil Murphy (D). Residents had until December 11th, 2018, to turn over magazines to police or sell or store them out of state.

    s working great in other states, isn't it?

  4. Senator Susan Lee , another female trying her best to tell all the males in Maryland who is in charge now , you can run but you can't hide.

  5. Do these law makers realize what they are getting into , they are at the top and that is exactly where to start the civil war . Bring it!!

  6. These are policies of socialism, acts of communism. The representatives that have introduced and cosign these Bills have violated their Oath of Office, their acts are to destroy the US Constitution and enslave its Citizens. If the Federal Gov. does not intercede then We The People must destroy this government body as The US Constitution Requires it. These same people including mike Bush have signed in support of executing newborn babies. We cannot lets these matters continue.

  7. These so called lawmakers are knowingly and purposely breaking the laws, not just infringement of the 2A, not just humanitarian and constitutional rights, not just assisting in distruction of the economy {shooting sports is a billion dollar industry}, but hey violate their oath of office and many other laws like this:

    The Maryland Constitution:
    Article 17.
    That retrospective Laws, punishing acts committed before the existence of such
    Laws, and by them only declared criminal, are oppressive, unjust and incompatible
    with liberty; wherefore, no ex post facto Law ought to be made; nor any retrospective
    oath or restriction be imposed, or required.

    We must call on the Federal Government to prosecute these blant lawbreakers, communist, enemies of the people.

  8. People better show up or DON'T Complain if it passes also WHAT SAY YOU CARL ANDERTON ????.

    1. Carl and Hogan voted for the Red flag law thet BOTH are TRAITORS to the 2 ND Amendment.

  9. Someone tell me when it’s time to take our country back...please.... I don’t want to start it but I will do my part.

  10. Carl Anderton does not support these bills. He will Not vote for either of them. The others here on the shore will not either. Outside of possibly Sharee Sample Hughes. Democrat. Don't just complain here. Get emailing your representatives and making those phone calls to them. especially the Democrats like Sample Hughes. The ones over on the Western shore are the main ones to be concerned about.


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