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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Update On Yesterdays School Bus Incident

The school bus rear ended the Jeep sending it into the ditch. The driver of the Jeep was turning into a driveway when this occurred.

Obviously the bus was too close behind the Jeep.


  1. That's what you call a concise summary.

  2. Half of these Wicomico school bus drivers need to be fired! I see them pull some dumb tricks and take some crazy chances while driving. Some of them drive like they are crazy. It does no good to call the school board about them. Your complaint falls on deaf ears. I guess they have such a hard time getting decent drivers that they take anything that comes along and is willing to put up with the little hoodlums. I sure wouldn't want to be a school bus driver......no way , no how. But if there are those who do want to do it, they should drive like they have some sense.

  3. I asked my county council rep what happened and he said he had absolutely no idea there was a school bus wreck? How is it that our county leaders don’t know that a school bus was involved in an accident that injured a child??

  4. That bus is owned by the Boars of Education and is the hired driver. Whenever its a board of ed bus its never on television or the news

  5. Why does the WCBOE even own the buses?
    Bet it is a big money loser but will never get a profit and loss statement for this activity
    Oh that’s right they are not accountable to anyone!

  6. "Obviously the bus was too close behind the Jeep."

    Perhaps a little too concise of a statement. Perhaps there were contributing factors. No turn signal? Brake lights not working? I, for one, do not jump to conclusions, without knowing all the facts.


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