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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Think About It...


  1. Cant be put any simpler.

  2. I had to share this one with my liberal chums! Love to watch heads explode.

  3. Is that really a picture of Obama giving us the middle finger???

  4. Pictures are worth a thousand words.


  5. Obama was fond of 'slyly', in his estimation, of brandishing his middle finger toward those he disagreed with, especially if they were present.

    High school style of acting out. Worst president ever.

  6. The Bottom row is were the Democrats are headed !!!

    WAKE UP AMERICA !!!! Our country is being destroyed
    from WITHIN ...... just like theirs were !!! Think Think

    1. 9:50- Stop preaching to the choir and find the right audience to be ignorant to. Every day you ridicule an anonymous audience who you think you're superior to. It's sad.

  7. Good thing for Democrats that the ones on the bottom
    don't Rule here .....for they would all be Dead !!!

    Think about that Socialism !!!
    They don't tolerate crybabies / fake news / diversity !!!!

  8. Bottom right > was Leader of Alkyda !!! Top Enemy #1

  9. I remember that picture of Obama giving all of us the finger - and that's exactly what he did for 8 damn years, scum, just scum is what he is and always will be.

  10. Racist Scum = Obama !!! His wife too !!!!

  11. Obama was America's Enemy's Best Friend !!

    Just like having a Spy as the POTUS Fact

    Just like that plane load of cash (billions) to Iran (enemy)

    How the hell would that go over if Trump did that ??? tell me

    How would doing as Hillary did (giving 20% of American Uranium to Russia ) go over if Trump did such a thing ????

  12. Muslim wanna be on the right / bottom !!!

    He is in Farakhan's group of Hate Mongers !!!


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