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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

South Dakota Becomes Latest Permitless Gun-Carry State

NRA says law allows 'South Dakotans to exercise their fundamental right to self-protection in the manner that best suits their needs'

South Dakota governor Kristi Noem (R.) signed the state's permitless carry bill into law on Thursday.

The bill, SB47, eliminates the state's requirement that residents obtain a permit in order to legally carry a firearm. Instead, so long as a resident is legally allowed to possess a firearm, they are legally allowed to carry it concealed on their person.

Noem said the new law is in line with the country's founding principles and protects South Dakotans gun rights.



  1. Dave T: That's because they live in a section of the country that is still the United States, unlike the Peoples Democratic Communist Republic of Maryland. God, I gotta get outta here! NOT fast enough for me!!!

  2. I am moving there soon.

  3. Oklahoma just did the same thing.
    1/3 of United States citizens can now legally carry "as the constitution states" without permission from our freedom restricting government


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