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Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Racist Lynch Mob-Leading Virginia Governor Getting His Just Deserts

After a tumultuous weekend in which high-profile Democrats demanded that Virginia governor Ralph Northam step down after old photos of him in blackface surfaced, it is difficult to imagine the politician surviving the same vile race-baiting gotcha culture he and his fellow left-wing Democrats have fostered for years.

Oddly, Northam is being done in by leftist identity politics and not by the Kermit Gosnell-style infanticide he coldly supports.

Many conservatives believe that the sickening irony here is that Democrats are fine with snipping the spine of a nearly born black baby but go insane over blackface, an offensive practice that doesn't actually kill anyone.

The Left's current anti-blackface fetish is relatively new. Amos 'n' Andy, which ended in 1960, is one of the most successful sitcoms of all time despite its stereotypical depiction of blacks in Harlem that would today offend many Americans. But even the passage of decades did little to stigmatize the use of blackface.

Until fairly recently, left-wingers were fine with blackface and offensive stereotypical depictions of black Americans. No one protested Robert Downey, Jr.'s use of blackface in the 2008 movie Tropic Thunder or the blackface employed by Sarah Silverman, Jimmy Kimmel, or Howard Stern.



  1. I think that he meant 'desserts'.

  2. "South Bend, Ind. mayor Pete Buttigieg also urged Northam to resign."

    Oh Lookie! There's Mare Jakey Boi's gay idol Presidential hopeful from Indiana asking the Baby Killer to step down. Has our Mare asked him to step down yet? Probably not since his gay buddy Mike Dumb invited the Baby Killer to SU next Monday.

  3. SU is still planning to have this racist baby butcher speak after this? SU is really amoral. As an alumn they can forget me ever giving to them again. I don’t support people who don’t walk their talk.

  4. Anonymous said...
    SU is still planning to have this racist baby butcher speak after this? SU is really amoral. As an alumn they can forget me ever giving to them again. I don’t support people who don’t walk their talk.

    February 7, 2019 at 7:33 AM

    No, Mike Dumb, President and CEO cancelled it yesterday but was too embarrassed to say why. DUH!! The Democrat party of Ralph The Butcher, Mike Dumb, Gay Day, Jim Liarton, Chuck Cook Ricki Pollitt, Bill McCain and Josh Hastings is in a death spiral and I hope the political careers of all these douche bags go with it.

  5. He's supposed to speak at SU? My alma mater? I am triggered.


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