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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

R. Lee Ermey Snubbed in Oscar Memoriam Montage

Marine Corps veteran and beloved character actor R. Lee Ermey was missing from the "In Memoriam" segment of the 2019 Academy Awards telecast.

Ermey, who passed away in April 2018, is best remembered for his role as Gunny Hartman in Stanley Kubrick's classic movie "Full Metal Jacket," a legendary performance that should have made him a lock to be included in the video segment.



  1. More blatant discrimination against white people and conservatives

  2. Sondra Locke, too, probably because she was associated with Clint Eastwood.

  3. He wouldn't care. As a Marine he knew they are ALL COMMIES!!

  4. Hollywood is not worth worrying about. They have their own agenda, which is not friendly to most of us!

  5. Well, he is not Black & it is clear that all the award shows
    anymore are just for them !!! Sad Fact

    Awards are passed out like candy to many , who most have
    never heard of !!! Dime a Dozen

  6. If you have no character you have no shame. It gripes me these leftist bastards languish in the very freedom he helped provide. His stature dwarfs those who besmirch him.

  7. He was not as conservative as one may think but he was a fine soldier,actor,business and family man and brilliantly funny and much adored.

  8. Blow That Smoke Gunny Right Up Their As#@&!!!!

  9. Because he is white. And that crap is going to stop.


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