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Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Obama Silent About Ralph Northam Racist Yearbook Scandal

Former President Barack Obama remains silent about Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s racist yearbook scandal despite calls from the Democrat party for his resignation.

Since the yearbook photo was released on Friday, 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris spearheaded a rush to call for Northam’s resignation. Even failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton weighed in on the issue.

“This has gone on too long. There is nothing to debate. He must resign,” Clinton wrote on Twitter Saturday.

But Obama has stayed out of the conversation despite enthusiastically endorsing and rallying for Northam in 2017.

“I know what Ralph Northam believes. I know what Justin Fairfax believes,” the former president said during a rally in October 2017. “They’ve got plans and policies that will reflect your values and your priorities.”



  1. Obama is silent on most everything except those things which negatively affect his legacy. He's gone, and with him, so should his opinion be steeply discounted.

  2. Coonman Northam is the guy in the blackface, look at the pants, he wore them in the other photo with his car!

  3. Good, let him REMAIN silent on everything...

  4. Demon-crats stick together ....they do no wrong ...they think


  5. He's letting his teleprompter mull the problem. When it's come to a conclusion, he'll read and mouth what's on the screen!

  6. Demon-crats are getting a taste of their own medicine !!!!!


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