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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Notre Dame Professor Calls Covington Catholic An Example Of ‘Violent Manifestation Of Whiteness’

On January 25, during the University of Notre Dame’s "Walk the Walk Week," a six-member panel convened by the Meditation Program of the university’s Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies hosted an event called "Confronting Whiteness at Notre Dame: Power, Identity, and Exclusion."

According to the university’s independent Catholic student newspaper, the Irish Rover, the professor who moderated the event talked about forms of "violent manifestation whiteness," listing the debunked Covington Catholic School controversy as an example.

"The illusion of whiteness as related to racial categorization disguises what is actually important … namely, white is a description of both a political condition and a mechanism for the distribution of power," Professor David Anderson Hooker, a professor of the practice of conflict transformation and peacebuilding, said. "Where it has real relation to the concept of racism, the two don’t squarely overlap."

Hooker noted that the "kind of whiteness that we’re investigating isn’t that kind of repulsive, violent manifestation of whiteness" like "the kind of Richard Spencer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, Steve King, Charlottesville, Covington Catholic School forms," reports the Irish Rover.



  1. Who cares what a ND professor has to say??Gee a liberal professor from a liberal college preaching what is wrong being WHITE.

  2. HAHAHA. A black liberal professor has a low opinion of White's . Can you imagine if a,white professor wrote an opinion about why blacks act like they do?? Hey professor. How much whiteness got your black as where you are today. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION recipient just Can't stand the fact they have had a government program assist them from crib to cemetery.THEY NEVER ACTUALLY EARN IT.

  3. He should write a paper on why blacks are so RACIST against whites. Why does the black community TEACH HATE and RACISM in their community and church??

  4. notre dame another christian college consumed with luciferian ideals over the truth. they hate truth God and self.

  5. @9:48 there was a time I would have fought tooth and nail about your comment. Having seen it first hand the black church is preaching and teaching racism. the white church is just sitting back teaching love everybody while whites and CChristians are being crucified all over the world. Wake up white people blacks only want what they can get from you, once that's done your expendable

  6. I challenge any of you idiots go to any prison and see how the culture exists. It's ALL divided by race


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