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Thursday, February 07, 2019

Northam was accused of racism when he excluded Fairfax from his fliers in 2017 election

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam — currently embroiled in a scandal after a racist photo from his medical school yearbook page was unearthed — was accused of racism two years ago.

In 2017, his gubernatorial campaign created a flier that erased the Democratic lieutenant governor candidate Justin Fairfax, who is black and had appeared in other versions of the flier.

Now, allies of Fairfax claim Northam advisers have helped circulate allegations of sexual assault against Fairfax, who will become governor if Northam steps down.



  1. And SU continues forward, having this racist baby butcher speak next week. What does that say about SU?

  2. The ENTIRE STATE of Virginia is a SHITHOLE. People. Locations. Employment. They are still fighting the Civil War. Good thing. They not fighting for anything else. Like their HISTORY or self respect. If you aren't raised or went to schoolin Virginia. Don't bother going there. They will backstabb you and out right LIE about you. They are the most vile people EVER. Just look at the current powers that be. THE ENTIRE STATE OF VIRGINIA IS JUST LIKE THAT.

  3. Why is the photo racist? This is the black communities biggest difficulty. They have problems alright but this one is manufactured. Crime and poverty is rampant in black communities. The black family is just about extinct. The drop out rate is high and chronic absenteeism is the norm in black communities. But they make up being offended by someone painting their face black 30 years ago. This is why they won't ever be a blessed race and crime and poverty will be the norm. They make up things to blame others instead of blaming themselves which is the real and only reason for all their social problems. They really need God but in a real way.

    1. You can thank LBJ for destroying the Black Family unit. His “welfare” required there to be no male in the home if a family needed public assistance back in the sixties. The unintended (or probably intended) consequence was a higher divorce rate and children born out of wedlock to single black females. By the way Johnson was a Democrat. Keeping them on the Democrat Plantation from cradle to grave.

  4. 935
    Just because your ex-wife's new man is from VA is no reason to trash the whole state.
    He was raised in a Commonwealth.
    Virginia is the best state in the filthy union.

    thank you


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