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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Normalizing Abortion: Not If, But Wen

Her mom was the candidate behind the most radical pro-abortion shift in the Democratic Party. Now, Chelsea Clinton wants everyone to know -- we haven't seen anything yet.

In an interview sure to put Americans' jaws on the floor, Planned Parenthood President Leana Wen sat down with Bill and Hillary's daughter and talked about abortion as casually as if they were comparing laundry detergents. This procedure -- this gruesome, deadly, wildly unpopular procedure -- Chelsea argued, "is part of the fabric of our country." Wen agreed, saying that we should approach this kind of health care "from a social justice lens, valuing each person and their choice." Unless, of course, that person happens to be inside the womb -- or seconds out of it.

In one of the sickest, most bizarre moments of their chat (and there were plenty), Wen had the gall to argue that killing children is actually "pro-life." "Our nurses," she went on, "our clinicians -- they're all here because we believe in life. Being pro-choice is being pro-woman. It's being pro-family. It's being pro-community. It's being pro-life." Whose life, no one is quite sure since the organization ended 332,757 of them in 2017 alone. That's like wiping out the population of St. Louis. Suddenly, the "fabric of our country" looks like a massive pile of burial clothes.

But Wen and Clinton persisted -- ignoring the overwhelming majority of Americans (77 percent) disgusted by their extreme positions. "First and foremost, it's about our safety. We know what happens when abortion is illegal." But do they know what happens when abortion is legal? When groups like theirs fight to keep monsters like Kermit Gosnell in business? Don't talk to us about safety when thousands of women are visiting third-world clinics with rusty instruments and blood-stained floors because Planned Parenthood is trying to stop state inspections and regulations. Thanks to Wen's organization, most moms are sitting in abortion clinics that are less regulated than a tanning salon. Legal doesn't make it safe. Planned Parenthood has seen to that.


1 comment:

  1. Dumb and Dumber have merged with Evil and Eviler to describe these two morally bankrupt specimens.


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